5 Reasons Video Testimonials Are the Highest Converting Tools

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Marketing is crucial for any product or service to achieve success, and figuring out what you can do to grab your target demographic’s interest can be challenging. After all, you’d want to create content that’s informational and unique and leaves a lasting impression to convert efficiently.

Customer testimonials have been a favored marketing strategy among many. It plays on the concept of ‘social proof,’ where consumers are more willing to accept something if others already accepted it, increasing brand reliability and conversion.

The modern version of this, the video testimonial, brings its effectiveness to a whole new level. You can have professionally shot testimonial videos by a corporate film production company so that your customers can look and feel their best.

A video testimonial is one of the most effective marketing methods, and here are five reasons you should be using it in your marketing plan.

It Triggers Emotions

It’s a fact that emotion is the primary contributor to decision-making, proving true for your average consumer. What better way to evoke emotions than videos? Text-based content tends to be monotonous and unemotional, and many consumers don’t have the patience to read through it. On the other hand, videos find their way to the viewers’ hearts instantly.

The reason behind that is a person’s brain, which is full of mirror neurons that can make you feel the emotions you see in the video. So, when potential customers see a client is thankful or happy because of your products or services in the video testimonials, they will feel it too. This feeling makes them feel more compelled to buy the items featured.

Higher Retention Rate

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Videos are known to provide higher retention rates, meaning viewers remember their content better. A video has over 95% retention rate, which is drastically high compared to only around 12% of consumers remembering textual information. That’s because interesting visuals help people remember information better, keeping your product’s or service’s benefits at the top of your customers’ minds.

Consumers Prefer Videos

Generally, today’s consumers prefer video to texts. In fact, when it comes to product advertisements, four times as many consumers reported that they’d rather watch a video than read about it. Its popularity also extends outside web content. For instance, simply including the word ‘video’ in an email subject line can increase click rates to 19%.

It Gets Shared More

With consumers preferring video content, it’s no surprise that they also share them more than text or image-based content. Over 47% of adult internet users share videos, and the numbers are ever-increasing. So, if you’re looking to gain more social traction, creating a video testimonial is the perfect starting point.

It Converts More Efficiently

When you combine all the reasons mentioned, you get a marketing tactic that can drive social shares, traffic to your website, increase brand reliability, and convert customers exponentially. The biggest brands, including GE, Ford, and Dove, invest large sums of time and funds in this marketing method. Seeing their success, ever-increasing customer base, and revenue should be more than enough to convince you that video testimonials are the highest converting tool ever.

Take your marketing strategy to the next level with video testimonials. It can be the most valuable content you can create, allowing you to convert prospects, earn loyalty, and achieve ultimate success seamlessly.

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