For College Grads: Avoid These First-Time Renter Mistakes

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Every graduation season, we see many graduates either returning home or searching for an apartment to stay. Soon, they realize that rent will take up a considerable chunk of their monthly expenses. So, choosing the wrong apartment will result in a costly mistake that they must live by for at least a year.

Reports show that millennials have recently passed baby boomers as the top rental group in the country. It means that those between the ages of 22 and 37 are moving out of their homes to rent for the first time.

It’s not easy to find a place to live, however. Understandably, they will commit a few mistakes now and then. But what are the most common mistakes that they do and how can you avoid it?

Looking at online listings only

The younger generation has become dependent on the internet that they rely on it in everything that they do. That’s why technology has become a part of the apartment rental experience.

But sticking to online listings alone can make you miss a few important ones. Keep in mind that any mortgage broker in Utah has access to the RLS database, which gives them a more accurate listing. It even has the details of properties that you won’t typically find posted on a site.

Another problem that people often encounter with online listings is the actual view of the property. Landlords will most certainly post pictures that will attract renters, who will later find out that it’s less ideal than it seems.

So, you might want to check the property yourself and see the unit in person. Also, this will protect you from any potential scam. Scammers often prey on renters who don’t try to even visit the unit before renting it.

Be wary when a person tells you to send the check-in, and then they will just mail you the keys. There’s a considerable chance that it’s a scam, and you won’t be able to escape from it once you’ve already made the payment.

Not checking every detail

First time moving in

There are times when we get too excited about the prospect of finding an apartment that we get carried away the moment that we see it. But there are several factors that you need to consider before signing the deal. Aside from the hours that you’ll spend on commuting, you also need to consider the littlest details, including the available laundry machines.

Also, try to do a test run of your morning before you sign the contract. Although it may seem near at first, you won’t be able to get a feel of it unless you try commuting to and from and the area yourself.

Graduating from college is a great experience. But life after college is an entirely new level. You need to get yourself ready for what lies ahead. Now will be the time when you’ll discover your character as a person. Expect things to be tough at first, but you’ll soon figure it out as time passes.

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