Encouraging Proper Eye Care in the Workplace: A Guide for Business Owners

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The use of computers and other digital devices in today’s workplace is not just limited to office employees. These gadgets are present in other work sites, such as laboratories, processing plants, and shop floors.

Given the use of digital screen devices, both employees and employers should be concerned with eye conditions associated with the use of these gadgets. One eye issue they need to look out for is Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), also known as digital eye strain.

Continuous use of computers, tablets, and other related devices can result in blurred vision, dry or itchy eyes, and headaches. Workers with deteriorating eyesight may eventually have to wear high-quality vision impairment aids to get their job done properly.

Businesses, therefore, should invest in the health of their workers — especially their eyesight. Eye conditions can undermine the productivity of the employees and negatively affect the bottom line of a company.

Here are six suggestions that you can follow to promote eye care in the workplace:

  1. Allow Employees to Take Regular Eye Rests

Workers should be staring at their digital screen devices for long periods. As much as possible, they should give their eyes a break by following the 20-20-20 rule. This rule is simple: Look away from the computer screen every 20 minutes. Then, look at an object that’s 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

Forgetting to step away from the screen happens a lot, especially during busy days.  So, encourage employees to set an alarm and follow the 20-20-20 rule.

Also, make sure that you’re taking eye breaks yourself. Be a role model to the people around you. As an employer, you want to show that taking micro-breaks is perfectly fine. When they see giving your eyes a quick rest, your employees will likely do the same.

  1. Give Workers Eye Protection Equipment as Necessary

Some employees may be required to get tasks done outside the office. When they’re spending time outdoors, ultraviolet (UV) rays produced by the sun can cause long-term vision problems, such as age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can result in a sunburn-like inflammation in the eyes. This could drastically raise the likelihood of developing severe eye-threatening conditions in the future.

An eye protection gear that you can provide to outdoor workers is a pair of sunglasses equipped with UV protection. This accessory isn’t just for show. It’s necessary to reduce the amount of ultraviolet light entering the eyes. When looking for sunglasses for your employees, check if they bear the CE kite mark and have the UV 400 indicator present on the product.

  1. Improve Workplace Lighting

white office interior

The lights in the workplace can affect an employee’s eyesight. Poor illumination can affect workplace safety. Mistakes and accidents are more likely to happen if workers can’t see what they’re doing.

You can address workplace lighting issues by adjusting the level of brightness in the room and the computer screens. Lower light levels, for instance, are more suited for screens with a dim or dark background. Configure the lighting requirements appropriately by taking into account the tasks done by your employees.

  1. Fund the Eye Care of Your Employees

Some eye issues experienced by computer workers, such as dry eyes, are temporary. The condition will go away once they give their eyesight a break. Other individuals, however, may experience reduced visual abilities as a result of working long hours in front of a digital screen device. If you don’t address this, these workers are likely to develop severe and long-term eye problems.

Take the initiative to fund the eye care of the people working for you. This will help boost job satisfaction, minimize error rates that could undermine your revenue, and improve productivity.

  1. Get Workers to Take Regular Eye Tests

Eyecare in the workplace goes beyond checking if employees can see what they’re doing. A periodic eye exam will provide an in-depth assessment of a person’s eyes. It can uncover early signs of serious eyesight conditions, such as cataracts and glaucoma. What’s more, it can help doctors to detect serious conditions about the employee’s general health.

  1. Promote a Healthy Lifestyle in the Workplace

Employees who love to take “smoke breaks” are at a higher risk of developing an eye problem — or worse — loss of vision. Research published in the journal Psychiatry Research found that chronic smoking could damage a person’s vision. Encourage workers to take care of their general well-being and health. Come up with regular health and wellness events that will entice employees to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Follow these six workplace practices to keep the vision of your workers in tip-top shape. By showing care for your employees’ eyes, you’re taking measures to protect your assets that can make or break your business profits.

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