How Can Mental Disorders Affect Your Employee’s Productivity

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Mental illness is an insidious disease that can destroy a person’s life, and yet it is not recognized as such. It slowly takes over and makes people unable to think clearly about their situation. They do not have the energy or willpower to defend themselves against this disease because they are so overwhelmed by it.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experience mental illness in a given year. That statistic alone should be enough to make any business owner or entrepreneur sit up and take notice. However, mental illness doesn’t just affect the person suffering from it; it can also significantly impact productivity in the workplace. If you suspect an employee might be struggling with a mental disorder, here are a few things you should know.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are the most common type of mental illness and can take many forms. Generalized Anxiety Disorder, for example, is characterized by excessive worry and stress that interferes with daily activities. Social anxiety disorder, meanwhile, is marked by an overwhelming fear of social situations. Both types of anxiety can make it difficult for employees to focus on work tasks and be productive.

There are various reasons why this might happen. First, anxious employees can spend so much time and energy worrying about work that they have no mental energy left to do the job itself. Additionally, stress can lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and an upset stomach, making it difficult for employees to stay focused.


Depression is another common mental disorder that can severely affect productivity in the workplace. Depression is more than just feeling down; it’s a persistently low mood that can last for weeks or even months.

Employees dealing with depression may have difficulty completing even simple tasks, and they may start to feel like they’re not good enough or that their work isn’t worth doing. If you suspect an employee is dealing with depression, be sure to reach out and offer support.

A businessman experiencing severe stress

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

While ADHD is most often associated with children, it can also affect adults. Problems with focus, impulsivity and hyperactivity characterize ADHD. Adults with ADHD may have trouble completing tasks, staying organized, or keeping track of time.

They may also start projects without finishing them or become easily distracted by other things around them. If you have an employee with ADHD, try to create a work environment that minimizes distractions and helps them stay focused on the task. Additionally, employees with ADHD can be hazardous, especially in jobs that require operating heavy machinery.

Bipolar Disorder

Unlike other mental disorders, bipolar disorder is defined by alternating periods of severe depression and mania. Depressive episodes are generally the same as those seen in people with clinical depression, but during manic phases, people can experience euphoria and a decreased need for sleep.

This can make it difficult for employees with bipolar disorder to keep up with their work responsibilities. If you have an employee with this disorder, you must ensure they take their medication as prescribed.

Mental illness is a severe issue that can significantly impact workplace productivity and efficiency if left unchecked. However, this doesn’t mean that you should start discriminating against people with mental illness. Instead, consider implementing some of these tips to ensure that employees with mental disorders in your company can continue functioning in the best way possible.

Get Them Scanned

Most people with mental disorders often do not know the biological cause behind their condition. If you suspect a person may be struggling with mental illnesses, try to convince them to get medical scans such as an MRI. If you don’t want them to go through the process of long bookings, consider an open MRI scan online booking. Online booking can help your employees avoid the long process and inconvenience of being booked for an appointment. Also, such scans can assist your employees in getting the proper diagnosis so they can start treatment.


Therapy is also a great way to help employees understand and deal with their mental illnesses. In addition, counseling can help employees learn more about their disorder’s specific symptoms and ways to manage it.

Additionally, therapy can be an excellent source of emotional support for your employees struggling with mental health issues. A good counseling program can help employees feel more in control of their condition and better equipped to manage it.

Mental illness is a severe issue that can negatively impact the workplace if left unchecked. However, there are many ways employers can support employees with mental disorders and ensure they stay productive. By implementing some of the strategies above, you can help your employees overcome their mental health challenges and continue to thrive in your company.

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