Enhancing Security Exploring the Benefits of Electrified Exit Devices

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In the realm of building security, electrified exit devices play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of access points. These devices, designed to automate door-latching hardware, offer a range of benefits that enhance security protocols in various environments. From solenoid-driven mechanisms to motorized solutions, electrified exit devices provide tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of different settings.

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Solenoid-driven latch retraction devices are one type of electrified exit device. These devices are adept at retracting the latch but do not retract the push pad. While they serve the purpose of automating door latching, solenoid-powered devices often come with considerations such as power consumption and the need for manufacturer-specific power supplies. Despite these considerations, solenoid-driven latch retraction devices remain a reliable choice for environments where security is paramount.

On the other hand, motorized latch retraction devices offer a different approach to electrified exit devices. Similar to solenoid-driven devices, motorized solutions retract the latch, but they also retract the push pad. This dual functionality enhances security and improves user experience by providing smoother operation. Additionally, motorized latch retraction devices typically consume less power than their solenoid counterparts. Furthermore, they often do not require manufacturer-specific power supplies, making them more versatile and easier to integrate into existing security systems.

One of the key advantages of electrified exit devices, particularly motorized ones, is their suitability for environments where noise can be a concern. Settings such as schools, hospitals, and nursing homes require discreet yet effective security measures. With their quieter operation, motorized latch retraction devices offer a solution that minimizes disturbance while maintaining robust security protocols. This makes them an ideal choice for areas where maintaining a peaceful environment is essential.

The benefits of electrified exit devices extend beyond noise reduction and efficient operation. These devices contribute to overall building security by providing automated access control. By automating door latching, electrified exit devices reduce the risk of human error, ensuring that doors are always properly secured. This is particularly important in high-traffic areas where manual door operation may lead to lapses in security.

Moreover, electrified exit devices offer flexibility in integration with existing security systems. They can be seamlessly incorporated into access control systems, allowing for centralized monitoring and management of building entry points. This integration enhances overall security management by providing real-time insights into door status and access activity.

In addition to improving security, electrified exit devices contribute to operational efficiency. These devices streamline the entry and exit process by automating door latching, reducing congestion, and improving flow. This is especially beneficial in emergency situations where swift evacuation is critical. Electrified exit devices ensure that doors can be easily opened from the inside while maintaining security from the outside, facilitating safe and efficient evacuation procedures.

In conclusion, electrified exit devices offer a range of benefits that enhance building security and operational efficiency. These devices provide tailored security solutions for various environments, from solenoid-driven mechanisms to motorized solutions. Whether in schools, hospitals, or commercial buildings, electrified exit devices play a vital role in ensuring the safety and security of occupants. By automating door latching and providing seamless integration with access control systems, these devices contribute to a comprehensive security strategy. As buildings continue to prioritize safety and efficiency, electrified exit devices remain essential components of modern security infrastructure.

Let’s delve deeper into the advantages of electrified exit devices and explore different types and maintenance tips to ensure optimal functionality.

Types of Electrified Exit Devices:

Solenoid-Driven Devices:

Solenoid-driven electrified exit devices operate by retracting the latch electromechanically. While they effectively retract the latch, they may not retract the push pad, requiring manual operation for egress. These devices are suitable for applications where moderate security and access control are essential.

Motorized Devices:

Motorized electrified exit devices offer advanced functionality by electronically retracting the latch and push pad. They consume less power compared to solenoid-driven devices and are ideal for environments where noise reduction is crucial, such as schools, hospitals, and nursing homes. Additionally, motorized devices often do not require manufacturer-specific power supplies, offering greater flexibility in installation.

Benefits of Electrified Exit Devices:

Enhanced Security:

Electrified exit devices bolster security by providing controlled access and facilitating quick egress during emergencies. By automating door-latching mechanisms, these devices help prevent unauthorized entry and deter potential intruders.

Streamlined Access Control:

Integrating electrified exit devices with access control systems allows for centralized management of entry and exit points. Administrators can remotely monitor and control access, granting or revoking permissions as needed, thereby enhancing overall security measures.

Improved Efficiency:

The automation provided by electrified exit devices streamlines the entry and exit process, reducing congestion and optimizing pedestrian flow. This efficiency is particularly beneficial in high-traffic areas where smooth movement is essential.

Maintenance Tips for Electrified Exit Devices:

Regular Inspection:

Conduct routine inspections of electrified exit devices to ensure all components function correctly. Check for signs of wear and tear, loose connections, or damage that may affect performance.


Keep electrified exit devices clean and free from dirt, debris, or obstructions that could impede their operation. Use mild detergent and a soft cloth to clean the surfaces, and avoid harsh chemicals that may damage electronic components.


Apply lubricant to moving parts of electrified exit devices, such as hinges and latch mechanisms, to ensure smooth operation. Use a lubricant recommended by the manufacturer to prevent corrosion and prolong the lifespan of the device.


Regularly test the functionality of electrified exit devices, including latch retraction and electronic controls. Conduct simulated emergency scenarios to verify that the devices operate as intended during critical situations.

Professional Maintenance:

Schedule periodic maintenance checks by qualified technicians to inspect and service electrified exit devices. Professional servicing ensures that devices remain in optimal condition and comply with safety standards.

By investing in electrified exit devices and implementing a proactive maintenance regimen, businesses and institutions can bolster security, streamline access control, and safeguard occupants effectively. With their advanced features and reliability, electrified exit devices represent a critical component of modern security systems, ensuring peace of mind and protection in today’s dynamic environment.


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