Rage Applying: Understanding the Consequences and Prevention

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• Rage-applying is the practice of sending out resumes to multiple companies in response to unfair bosses. 

• Reasons for rage-applying range from feeling underpaid and undervalued by their current employer to seeking better career opportunities and salary. 

• Employers should prevent rage-applying, such as offering competitive salaries and benefits, eliminating unfair practices, and recognizing efforts. 

• By doing these things, employers can ensure employees remain satisfied and motivated to stay with the company. 

• Create a culture of fairness, set clear expectations, and provide feedback on performance to help reduce feelings of powerlessness. 

In today’s competitive job market, it can be tempting to take drastic measures when looking for a new job. One such measure is known as rage-applying: the act of applying to multiple jobs in an attempt to quickly find employment with a pay raise that will make up for past grievances or mistreatment from employers.

Although this may seem like an attractive proposition, there are several reasons why rage-applying is not recommended and can even backfire on you if you’re not careful.

What is Rage Applying and Why It Is Trending

Rage-applying is sending out your resume to many companies in a short period. It usually happens when a person has had negative experiences with their current or former employers and wants to quickly find a new job that pays more.

If you have enough applications, one will be accepted, and you’ll get a much-desired pay raise. While rage-applying may seem like an effective way of taking control of your career, it can have unintended consequences that could harm your job prospects in the long run.

Reasons Why People Rage-Apply

Trending among Gen-Z and young millennials, rage applying can be rooted in a feeling of powerlessness when dealing with unfair employers and tight job markets. With the current economic climate leaving many qualified candidates unable to find employment, rage-applying can be seen as a way to take back control and ensure you get what you’re worth.

Here are other reasons why employees may feel compelled to rage-apply:

  • Feeling underpaid or undervalued by their current employer
  • Working in a toxic work environment with no chance of improvement
  • Desperately seeking a job that pays more and offers better career opportunities
  • Feeling their skills and qualifications are not being adequately recognized

Concept of a boos getting mad at her employee

Why This is a Problem for Employers

Rage applying may actually cost you your employees. You may not notice, but the loyal ones may become demoralized when they don’t get the pay hikes they believe they deserve. This can lead to a decrease in productivity and an increase in employee turnover. This may also mean that there are internal problems that need to be addressed, and this could be damaging to a company’s reputation. Employees thinking of leaving a company means you are not doing enough to satisfy them, which could decrease morale and engagement.

Ways to Prevent Rage Application

As an employer, you can take proactive measures to prevent rage-applying from occurring in your organization. Here are some tips:

Offer Competitive Salary

One of the biggest reasons people rage-apply is because they feel their current salary isn’t commensurate with their skills and qualifications. Especially for those who have served the company for many years, offering competitive salaries is a must to keep them happy. Competitive salary means not just salaries that meet industry standards but also factoring in the cost of living and other benefits such as flexible work hours.

Offer Benefits

It’s not just about money; employees also want benefits and perks that make their job more enjoyable. Some of these can include flexible working hours, telecommuting options, health insurance coverage, and other forms of compensation. When current and aspiring employees see that you care for their health and well-being, they are more likely to stay with your company.

Eliminate Unfair Practices

Unfair practices such as favoritism, discrimination, and micromanagement are major red flags for employees. Establishing a culture of fairness and respect is important so that all employees feel their contributions are valued. You should also be proactive in setting clear goals and expectations and providing feedback on performance. This will help reduce feelings of powerlessness or helplessness that could lead to rage applying.

Recognize Employees’ Efforts

Employees want to feel like their contributions are being recognized and appreciated. Acknowledge their hard work through rewards, recognition programs, or even simple thank-you notes. Rewards could be as simple as custom belt buckles with their names so that they may feel a sense of belonging and accomplishment within the organization. This kind of personalized recognition is an effective way of showing employees that you value their efforts.

A woman celebrating her award with co-workers

Rage-applying is an understandable reaction to feeling undervalued and powerless. Still, it can end up doing more harm than good in the long run. As employers, you must take proactive steps to ensure that your employees are satisfied with their current job and are not tempted to leave. These measures can prevent rage-applying in your organization and ensure employees stay engaged and productive.

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