How to Find Blog Topics: 6 Tips from the Pros

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Finding blog topics can be a daunting task. You want to make sure you are writing about things your audience is interested in, but you also don’t want to run out of ideas.

That’s why we highly recommend taking advantage of digital marketing services. It saves you the hassle of figuring out what to write. Experts can already do the legwork for you, from keyword research to editing.

However, if you want to be proactive (as all entrepreneurs should be), consider these tips in generating blog topic ideas:

1. Write According to Your Niche

One of the easiest ways to generate a blog topic is to look at your niche. Think about your target readers’ questions and answer them in a blog post.

For example, if you run an online bookstore, one of your topics can be “how to store books properly.” You can also write about the different types of books in your store and what readers can expect from each genre.

You can also think outside the box, considering topics related to your niche. Going back to the example a while ago, your related topics can revolve around publishing, printing, and the history of books.

This way, you are not only writing about your business but also offering something that can be useful to new readers who might have stumbled upon your blog post.

2. Pay Attention to What Your Audience Is Talking About

Another way to develop topics is to listen to what your audience is talking about. This can be done in various ways, such as social media, surveys, or even blog comments.

If you notice many people are asking the same question, that’s a good sign it could make for an excellent blog post topic.

You can also ask them directly. You can conduct a survey, pose a question on social media, email your customers and leads, or even call them if they’re up to it.

3. Use Research Tools

You can use many research tools that can help you come up with blog post topics. For example, Google AdWords Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest are great for finding keywords related to your niche.

Once you have the list of keywords, you can now generate ideas by typing them into Google search. You’ll get a list of related topics that you can explore and write about.

Another tool is Google Trends, which helps you see the popularity of specific keywords over time. This can help know what to write about that is currently popular and in demand.

Other research platforms are BuzzSumo, Ahrefs, and Semrush. All these tools have unique features that can help you come up with blog post ideas, such as competitor analysis and content research.

4. Spy on Your Competitors

One way to get blog post ideas is to spy on your competitors. What are they writing about? What’s their angle? How can you do it better?

You can use a tool like BuzzSumo to see the most popular content from your competitor’s blog. It will give you an idea of what type of content is working well for them and how you can make yours even better.

You can also look at their social media posts to see which topics are getting the most engagement. Check out their Facebook page, Twitter feed, and even LinkedIn profile to see what’s working for them.

That way, you’ll know how to develop blog ideas that are related but different from your competitors’ content.

5. Repurpose Your Content

If you already have a blog, the topics you need are already there. You can repurpose your old content and make it better.

You can rewrite old blog posts so they’re more informative or relevant to today’s audience. Or maybe add some new information that wasn’t available when you wrote the first post.

You can also turn your blog posts into other types of content such as infographics, videos, or slideshows. You can also implement new search engine optimization techniques.

6. Brainstorm

brainstormThe best way to come up with blog post topics is to brainstorm. You can do this yourself or involve your content marketing team.

Sit down and start listing out ideas – even the craziest ones. You can then group related topics together and refine them until you have a list of potential blog post ideas worth exploring.

This is a great way to get started and develop informative and exciting content for your audience.

Generating blog post ideas can be challenging, especially if you experience terrible writer’s block. With these tips, you can spend less time on routine content generation tasks and move on with other critical marketing strategies such as link building, social media engagement, and lead nurturing.

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