How to Focus: the Bare Basics

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Did you know that to melt a drum full of lard or other viscous liquids that tend to harden over seasonal changes, manufacturers invented the silicone drum heater to heat the drum itself and speed up the pouring process? Fluid dynamics dictated the invention of this necessity. A seemingly odd choice to heat a drum, this belt-like device has been in the manufacturing world for years. Not only is it simple, but it is also an elegant solution to a widespread logistical problem.

The world has become volatile and ever-changing. To succeed, you must become creative, flexible, and critical. To adapt to the ever-changing world full of metaphorical seasonal changes, you need to become flexible and easily adaptable to whatever challenges come your way.

Focusing on the task at hand might not come naturally for everyone. Distractions are always ready with their tempting banners to keep you from working. Your phones are literally a lock away from becoming an on hand distraction. Focusing on tasks is a conscious effort. It takes a lot of willpower to focus on something that will not give you immediate satisfaction. Almost all of us have short attention spans brought about by modern technology.

Finding the Real Problem

Finding the root of the problem yourself might be the easiest thing to say but is actually the hardest thing to do. Most addicted persons fail to recognize that addiction is already eating their entire lives up. Finding out the cause of why you can’t focus can be difficult. There are a wide array of factors you can look at.

Stress and anxiety are common reasons why people have a hard time focusing. Anxiety lowers the effectiveness of your working memory. The more you worry about things, the less productive you can become. Actively worrying and overthinking things will lead to forgetfulness and fleeting focus. Stress and anxiety also affect your drive and motivation to focus on things that really matter.

Lack of sleep and exercise score both highly in the list of probable reasons you can’t focus. It is commonsensical, but the lack of sleep will wear down the part of your memory that stores information. It also affects your basic cognitive functions and limits the way you can think critically. Lack of exercise, on the other hand, will restrict your brain’s health. Exercise helps in reducing inflammation and the birth of new brain cells. Trying to store more information into a non-upgrading hard drive will only be a futile effort. The brain will be forced to delete memory from another part of the drive.

focused emotion

Solving Your Problem

Removing social media is step one. A person looks at their phones and their social media accounts for at least two hours and thirty minutes on average a day. That is almost three hours you could have spent on your work or academics. Do the Pomodoro technique where you take a 5-minute break every hour to satiate your social media needs. Deleting your accounts from social media websites is one of the wisest things you can do for your mental health. These sites are designed so that you only keep on browsing. These websites are designed to be addictive.

Getting enough sleep and exercising is a good way to focus on the tasks at hand. Sleep strengthens our mind’s structure for concentration while exercising distributes oxygen adequately through your brain.

To keep pace with the ever-changing world, you must be flexible and adaptable to the opportunities and temptations it presents. Focusing is a conscious effort. Hopefully, through repetition, it can become second nature to you.

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