Traditional and Digital Marketing: Which Is Better in 2021?

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There is a deep and long history surrounding the debate between digital and traditional marketing. Each one has its fair share of benefits and disadvantages. Settling for one over the other is merely a matter of knowing the type of business you’re running and the appropriate way to engage customers.

The primary difference between the two lies in their medium for reaching consumers. Traditional marketing relies more on print media like magazines, billboards. Digital marketing, on the other hand, uses social media and other websites. It’s also essential to take into consideration the current circumstances brought by the pandemic.

Traditional: Tried and Tested

Nowadays, traditional marketing is often overlooked by different companies. It’s important to remember that this marketing strategy still plays a significant role in reaching consumers. Going the conventional route doesn’t necessarily mean that a business is old-fashioned.

Given the current circumstances of the global pandemic, it’s easy to see why digital marketing would be much more appealing. Sometimes, however, people would also instead disconnect from their daily digital intake.

The Good

One of the most significant advantages of using traditional mediums is their impact on consumers. Something visually striking is much easier for them to digest and remember. Often, it can also be more entertaining, which helps in leaving an impression.

Allowing consumers to see something in real life is more likely to linger on their minds. It helps that almost anything can be used for traditional marketing. More than just billboards and magazines, brands can also use sporting events and even people as a means for increasing engagement during a pandemic.

A particular brand is on a Formula One driver’s PPE gear or an NBA icon’s jersey. Stadiums are filled with huge product placements. There are countless possibilities. These will allow consumers to recall businesses better instead of something they would scroll past on their devices.

The Bad

Traditional marketing, however, also involves a lot more money. Various forms of the traditional medium can be expensive, especially for smaller businesses that are just starting. It’s also difficult to gauge how many consumers have seen the advertisement.

Some tools can measure these things, like brand trackers. However, these are nowhere near as sophisticated as the tools found in digital marketing. Going the traditional route will often leave you guessing how consumers will react to your brand.

Digital: Modern and Dynamic

team meeting

It’s impossible to admit that people are incorporating more and more technology into their daily lives. The sudden outbreak of a global pandemic only highlights this fact further. To mitigate the transmission of the virus, day-to-day operations like work and school transitioned online.

Countless businesses were also forced to invest heavily in improving their online presence if they didn’t already. It’s been observed that people spend an average of 6 hours online every day. With digital marketing, capitalizing on this huge amount of time is vital.

The Good

Digital marketing, especially through social media means, offers a lot more areas for engagement. It also allows businesses to see how people are interacting with their brand. Each like, share, and comment can be taken into account.

Having all this data readily available also means that it’s much easier for it to be measured. There are a lot of ways for businesses to interpret and learn from these figures. This essentially informs how to move forward with their marketing strategy.

Hence, it also helps create content that can be tailored for specific audiences. More targeted advertisements may reach a smaller audience, but it’s more likely to generate better engagements in the long run.

The Bad

The trends in digital marketing often evolve at such a rapid pace. It’s much easier for businesses to get left behind by their competitors. Each social media or website also has its own marketing needs; exerting a lot of effort to learn all of these can be exhausting.

Digital ads are also very fleeting. It’s very easy for potential consumers to scroll past a specific advertisement, which isn’t good for brand visibility. For many users, it can also be annoying, especially sponsored ads on social media. This may even lead them to unfollow, dislike, or even write negative comments about the brand.

The Right Fit For Businesses

There are two main things to consider when choosing whether to go the traditional or digital route. One is the budget that’s been allocated for marketing needs. The other thing is understanding the target audience of a particular marketing campaign.

Having a good grasp of these two aspects will help businesses determine the best course of action. Ultimately, both strategies play essential roles in a business’s marketing. Ideally, having a healthy balance of both digital and traditional marketing is the best way forward. Incorporating both of these will help your business reach wider audiences.

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