Want to Learn about Finance and Economics? Listen to a Podcast

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As adults, one of the most challenging things we could do is learn about broad subjects that weren’t our strong suit when we were in school. One of such subjects is money. Many of us aren’t blessed with a keen eye for numbers. Thus, managing our finances and understanding the economy is a bit harder for us to hone. We must make smart decisions when it comes to our finances. And to do that, we have to know the basics and intricacies of it. Before buying a house, we need to understand the benefits of a no-cost mortgage. Before investing, we need to understand the basics of supply and demand and stock trading.

Fortunately, though, there’s one medium we can turn to if we want to have a stronger comprehension of finance and economics. And that medium is a podcast show. What’s great about listening to podcasts is that they are very casual. They are mostly composed of casual conversations between the host and their guest. So it’s daily easy to follow what they’re talking about. These are four podcast shows that we can check out.

The Investing for Beginners Podcast

The name says it all. It’s the ultimate podcast for novices like us. Learning about investing is one of the hardest things we can do. We have to sort through the different concepts in investing. Then we have to decode all of the jargon and industry terms so we could, at the very least, understand traders when they speak. Then, on top of all that, we also have to understand the news and other events related to the economy.

Fortunately, the Investing for Beginners Podcast has a long list of episodes that tackle all of these things. It’s hosted by Andrew Sather and Dave Ahern. Together, they help the public look at the numbers and understand the meaning behind them. By gaining a deeper understanding of them, they also help us learn the best practices for investing. This way, we make smart decisions as stock traders, business owners, and citizens contributing to our nation’s economy.

So Money with Farnoosh Torabi


As professionals, we often find ourselves in a pickle when it comes to money. When we start earning more, we start asking ourselves how to invest it, maintain financial stability, or even keep it safe from impulse shopping sprees. This is where Farnoosh Torabi comes in.

Torabi is not just a finance expert. She specializes in personal finance. Thus, she guides people in making smart financial decisions so that their hard-earned money won’t just disappear in the blink of an eye. Through her podcast, So Money with Farnoosh Torabi, she sits down and chats with high-profile celebrities and industry experts. Together, they tackle tips, cautionary tales, and the latest trends in the world of finance.

Plus, it helps that Torabi is as entertaining as she is informative. Her show is recognized as the top female-hosted podcast by Entrepreneur Magazine. Apart from that, she’s also awarded as the top podcast to grow your business by Inc. Magazine.

NPR’s Planet Money

NPR is known for its wide array of podcast shows readily available for the public. So it’s no surprise that they, too, have a competitive podcast that discusses money and the economy. The challenging part about keeping up with the latest news on the economy is understanding what they mean. Luckily, Planet Money is there to deep-dive in the happenings in the world of finance and economics.

With this show, we can learn about the forces that drive our country and the world’s economy. It was launched in 2008, following the financial crisis that shook the country. Since then, its work has been recognized by prestigious awards such as the George Foster Peabody Awards and the Edward R. Murrow Awards.

Much like Torabi’s show, Planet Money is known for its light and entertaining way of delivering the news and discussing its nitty-gritty. This way, we’re not just learning more about the financial and economic world. We’re also enjoying it. This enjoyment, then, makes it fairly easier to digest and understand the goings-on when it comes to money.

Learning about finance and economics is challenging. But it becomes much easier if we have the right resources. By turning to podcasts, we are accessing engaging content created by the world’s leading industry experts and entertaining podcast hosts. We can now learn about the complicated world of money while driving, cooking dinner, or doing any other activity. We can keep up with the latest news and trends. And, gradually, we become smarter with our own finances.

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