Work-Related Accidents: Five Industries With the Highest Risks

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Accidents can happen anywhere, including in people’s workplaces. It’s estimated that there were  over 4,000 fatal work injuries in 2020 . There were millions more non-fatal accidents that year. Although the number is decreasing, it’s still astonishing for the workforce.

As a business owner or entrepreneur, knowing the industries with the most serious work-related accidents is essential. By understanding which industries are most at risk, you can take steps to protect your employees and your business. Here are five industries with the most work-related accidents.


Working in agriculture is one of the most dangerous jobs in America and the world. The ILO estimates that there are  170,000 fatalities in the worldwide  agriculture industry. The most common cause of death was transportation accidents, followed by contact with equipment. Other risks include exposure to hazardous chemicals and animals and falls from heights. Here are three ways to decrease that number if you’re working in agriculture.

Employee Training

Most of the fatal incidents that happen in agriculture primarily come from equipment contact and malfunction. Specific equipment, such as tractors and combines, have blind spots that can result in workers getting caught or run over. By providing thorough training on equipment use, you can decrease these types of accidents.

Implement Safety Procedures

Another way to prevent accidents is to implement safety procedures for your employees. This includes wearing appropriate protective gear, creating a system for reporting hazards, and providing first-aid kits in case of injury.

Regular Equipment Maintenance

Regularly maintaining equipment can also significantly reduce the chance of accidents occurring. Checking for faulty parts and ensuring that equipment is in proper working condition can prevent malfunctions on the job.

Construction project accident being dealt with


The manufacturing industry is another sector that is fraught with dangers. In 2018, there were 4,674 fatal work injuries in manufacturing, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The most common causes of death were transportation accidents and contact with equipment. Other risks include exposure to hazardous materials and falls from heights. The good thing about manufacturing is that it can be automated. So building a smart factory might be a wise choice if you don’t want any fatal injuries in your manufacturing plant.

What is a Smart Factory?

An intelligent factory uses advanced technology to improve efficiency and safety. This includes using robots instead of human employees for dangerous tasks, implementing warning systems for equipment malfunction, and creating a paperless system to prevent clutter on the factory floor. Implementing these measures can significantly decrease the chance of accidents occurring in your manufacturing plant.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 1,061 fatal work injuries in construction in 2019. The most common causes were falls from heights and being struck by objects or equipment. Other risks include exposure to hazardous materials and transportation accidents. Here are three ways you can make construction a safer industry for your workers

Safety Equipment

Falls are one of the main leading causes of death in construction. However, having the right equipment can drastically reduce the number of these accidents. Investing in  robust chain rigging equipment  can decrease falls, as it can securely hold heavy loads and prevent them from falling onto workers below. It can also work by securing construction workers to sturdy surfaces, preventing them from slipping or falling off.

Equipment Inspection

Regularly inspecting equipment can also significantly reduce the chance of accidents occurring. Checking for faulty parts and ensuring that equipment is in proper working condition can prevent malfunctions on the job.

Transportation and Warehousing

The transportation and warehousing industry is also dangerous, with 2,080 fatal work injuries in 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The most common causes of death were transportation accidents and violence by persons or animals. Other risks include being struck by an object and exposure to hazardous materials.


One way to drastically decrease the chance of accidents in transportation and warehousing is to automate as much as possible. This includes automated conveyor systems, robots for packing and sorting, and driverless vehicles for deliveries. By implementing these measures, you can decrease the chance of workplace injuries from manual labor and transportation accidents.

Healthcare and Social Assistance

The healthcare and social assistance industry are also dangerous, with 1,547 fatal work injuries in 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The most common causes of death were violence by persons or animals and transportation accidents. Other risks include slips, trips, falls, exposure to hazardous materials, and viral infections. Hospitals and clinics can decrease accidents and illnesses by implementing strict sanitation protocols and regular cleaning. It’s also essential to have proper lifting techniques for patients to prevent injury to healthcare workers. In social assistance settings, having robust security measures can decrease the chance of violence in the workplace.

Overall, there are many ways to make industries safer for workers. These industries can then be tamed, and eventually, workplace accidents can be reduced. The benefits of creating a safe workplace include decreasing accidents and injuries and improving employee morale and productivity. So make the wise choice to invest in safety measures and create a safer work environment.

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